
In recent years, esports has been making an increasingly bright statement and is appearing more and more often in the headlines of top news. The victories of Ukrainian esports teams delight fans much more often than the results of their colleagues from the world of classical sports. Ukrainian esports is still very young, but it already has something to be proud of because despite the lag at the start, it managed to reach the leading positions in the world. How did this happen? What role did NAVI and Maksim Krippa play in this? - we put the dots on the "i" further in the material.

The 90s: the time of the young

In the late 1990s, the world was rapidly changing. The internet was penetrating everyday life, opening up new horizons and opportunities for people. But a feature of the post-Soviet countries was that the internet and computerization were penetrating everyday life very slowly. The deficit did not reduce interest, but only intensified it. In large Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odesa, computer clubs began to appear. These places quickly became centers of attraction for young people seeking new experiences.

One of the first organized tournaments was the "Kyiv Quake Cup". Participants came from all over the city; these were real pioneers of esports, ready to spend the whole night fighting for the title of the best player. The tournament attracted a huge number of spectators. Everyone wanted to see how the most skilled gamers in the city fought for the main prize - a new, modern computer that everyone dreamed of.

The competitions were held at the local level, but this did not diminish their significance. For participants and spectators, they were not just games, but important events that united them into one large community. Among the spectators, one could meet schoolchildren, students, and even adults who came to support their friends and acquaintances.

At that time, no one could imagine that these modest tournaments in computer clubs would become the foundation for a powerful movement that would explode on the world esports scene a few years later. But it was in those years, in these clubs, that a new era was born that would change the lives of many young people and give the world new heroes.

The 2010s: development to recognition

With the beginning of the 2010s, esports in Ukraine began to develop rapidly. The internet became universally accessible, and computers appeared in almost every home, creating ideal conditions for the growth of the popularity of computer games and the competitive gaming scene.

During this period, esports in Ukraine attracted more and more attention from the media, business, and society. New teams and players appeared, who began to actively participate in international tournaments and win prize places. Ukrainian esports players became famous for their success in games such as Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

One of the key components of the success of Ukrainian esports was the development of infrastructure. Specialized training bases and academies for the preparation of esports players began to open in the country. This allowed young talents to acquire professional skills and train in modern conditions.

Ukrainian companies, such as StarLadder, began organizing large international tournaments that attracted the attention of a global audience. These tournaments not only promoted esports but also attracted investments, which allowed for high-level events.

2018: a fateful year

In 2018, esports was officially recognized as a sport in Ukraine. This decision opened up new opportunities for obtaining state support and funding. As a result, Ukrainian teams and players received additional resources for training and participation in international tournaments.

Private investors also began to invest in the development of esports. They sponsored teams, tournaments, and infrastructure projects, which contributed to the growth of the popularity and professionalization of esports in the country. One of the first such investors was Maksim Krippa.

The first step towards the industry Maksim Krippa made was when he decided to invest in a little-known startup called Maincast. The newly created studio planned to engage in the broadcasting of esports matches and needed financial support. The founder of the studio, well-known commentator Vitaly Volochai, persuaded investor Maksim Krippa to allocate funds.

Following the first investment in esports, Maksim Krippa took a second step. In 2018, he became the majority owner of the esports organization NAVI. It is worth stopping here in detail, as the "born to win" have written their names in the history of not only Ukrainian but also world esports.


"Born to win"

The history of the esports organization NAVI began in 2009 with the idea of creating a professional esports association. Interestingly, the esports players did not become "born to win" immediately. Initially, the four letters in the name appeared thanks to the film "Avatar" and did not mean anything. Later, a contest was announced for the best idea to decipher the abbreviation. The idea "Natus Vincere" won, which translates from Latin as "born to win".

One of those who stood at the origins of NAVI was Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi - a Counter-Strike player and the first manager of the NAVI team. Initially, NAVI focused on the game Counter-Strike, but in subsequent years the organization expanded its horizons, including teams in other popular esports disciplines such as Dota 2, FIFA, World of Tanks, and others.

Among the most striking victories of NAVI should be highlighted The International 2010. Then the guys not only won the Dota 2 tournament but also received a record prize at that time - one million dollars.

In 2017, Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi announced his desire to step down as CEO of NAVI, and also announced that the organization needed additional funding to reach a new level.

A little later, an investor was found ready to allocate the necessary funds. He became Maksim Krippa, who in 2018 began working with NAVI. A few years later, Maksim Krippa decided to become a beneficial owner and signed the corresponding agreement. According to journalists, the agreement involved the fulfillment of a number of obligations and it was only in 2022 that Maksim Krippa managed to close it completely.

In parallel with these processes, NAVI underwent many transformations, which benefited the flagship of Ukrainian esports. Recently, already during Maksim Krippa's time, NAVI became the first world champion in Counter-Strike 2.

Chances for the better

Esports in Ukraine has every chance for further success and development thanks to constant innovations and the emergence of new talents. New teams are being created in the country, large tournaments and leagues are being organized, which contributes to the popularization of esports and attracting new players and viewers. The development of Ukrainian esports is happening even despite active hostilities. It should be noted that the esports community does not stand aside and actively supports the people of Ukraine. Many charitable initiatives are being implemented thanks to the same NAVI and personally to Maksim Krippa.



Very inspiring story! It's nice to see how Ukrainian esports is developing and reaching new heights.


Interesting article! The key moments of the development of esports in Ukraine are well highlighted. Thank you very much!


I didn't know that Maksim Krippa played such an important role in the development of NAVI. Very informative!


It's nice to read about the successes of our esports players. I hope that things will only get better!


The article is very relevant and interesting. Thank you for the detailed description of the history of the development of esports in Ukraine.